Types of Insurance in Norcross You Should Know About

by | Aug 14, 2013 | Insurance

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Why would you want to buy insurance in Norcross? Having insurance of any kind can be beneficial in many ways. It is less expensive than paying for things out of pocket. For example, house insurance helps cover damages to your home in cases of fire. Car Insurance covers you when you are at fault for accidents. You are required to have car insurance, but most coverage is optional. You can find insurance for just about anything you could imagine. What are other types of insurance in Norcross?

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance in Norcross is a common type of coverage. If you had dental work done before, you know it isn’t cheap. Dental insurance can pay a portion of cost for treatment. Some covered treatments include crowns, cleaning, and fillings. Dental insurance can be limited so be certain you understand what is covered. Keep in mind it will only cover necessary procedures and may not cover optional cosmetic dentistry.

Critical Illness

If you get diagnosed with a critical illness, the cost can be staggering. Without critical illness insurance, the cost can be a financial burden. This insurance pays one lump sum after you are proven to have a long-term medical issue. It differs from disability insurance which expects you to return to work. You can get two types of critical illness coverage. One is through mortgage life insurance and a basic policy.

Travel Insurance

Many travelers do not think of travel insurance. Imagine having to deal with an illness or other emergency overseas with no safety net. Your trip could be cut short due to illness back home or if you get ill yourself. Travel insurance will pay some of the medical costs. It pays for lost luggage as well as delayed or canceled flights. You can get liability in case you damage something belonging to a third party. Buy the policy separate from your travel agent to save on premiums.

Life can change at any moment. This is why many kinds of insurance in Norcross is beneficial for assorted situations. You may not see them as needed until an emergency happens. Paying the premiums is going to be less than paying for full costs from your own pockets.

ATI Insurance provides auto, homeowners, renters, business and more insurance in Norcross.

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