3 Reasons to Sell Your Structured Settlement Payments in Fort Lauderdale, FL

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Financial Services

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While it took some time, you now have a settlement for your personal injury suit. The problem is, you won’t get all of the money in a lump sum. Instead, there’s a series of installment payments that will be made. However, you could really use the money now. It’s possible to get it if you sell your structured settlement payments in Fort Lauderdale to an interested buyer. Here are some of the reasons why this approach could be the right solution for you.

Perhaps you have pressing medical debts that need attention now. If you pay them off, you’ll avoid interest and penalties that inflate the balances. You’ll also protect your credit score. By selling your settlement payments, it’s possible to get the money, pay the debts, and put the rest in the bank.

Maybe you need money for some type of major purchase. This could be a home or possibly a new car. You’ve found a deal that would be even better if you paid cash rather than tried to finance it. Sell those settlement payments, and you can take advantage of this type of deal.

Your injury means you can never work in your field again. Even with disability benefits, there are still debts you had before the injury that need attention. Sell your structured settlement payments, pay off those debts, and alleviate a lot of the financial stress you feel right now.

There are plenty of other reasons to sell those payments. Look into the idea today and see if your present situation would be better by making this type of financial move.

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