How Business Auto insurance Differs from Personal Auto Insurance

by | Aug 3, 2021 | Insurance

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Most people understand that in order to legally drive a vehicle, personal auto insurance will be necessary. In addition, businesses that use vehicles will also need to have auto insurance. However, this requires business auto insurance and it’s important to understand the differences between business auto insurance and personal auto insurance near Chicago. While both coverages will provide insurance for a particular vehicle, it’s not recommended to use personal auto insurance policies to cover a business vehicle. Here are some of the reasons why.

The first thing to understand about business auto insurance is that this type of insurance will tend to cover more than just a few drivers. When a business opens up an auto insurance policy on a business-related vehicle, especially a standard vehicle, the insurance company assumes that virtually anyone in the business will drive the vehicle at some point. This means covering a large number of people, as well as covering the vehicle itself. This usually correlates to higher prices because liability issues are much higher with a commercial vehicle than they would be with a personal.

While a business can require employees to use their own insurance to cover them while driving a business vehicle, there are some downsides. For example, if an employee drives a car that doesn’t have full protection, then their limitations on their coverage also extends to the business vehicle that they’re driving. What’s more, personal insurance will not cover the loss of business products or equipment that may be in a company vehicle, which could lead to huge costs for a company should the driver be in an accident.

If your business use vehicles, whether it’s one vehicle or multiple vehicles, you need the right type of insurance policy. Having the right type of insurance goes beyond simply protecting the vehicle in the event of an accident. It also extends to protecting the employee driving a vehicle, the equipment they have with them and your business. Without the proper type of business insurance, your business could be held liable for financial costs it simply may not be able to afford. Having the right type of insurance gives your business liability coverage when you have your employees driving company vehicles. If you need more details about this type of insurance, then contact Atlantic Insurance Agency.

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