Now that you have a homeowner’s insurance plan in St. Augustine to cover your home and possessions, it?s time to make sure your personal property is indeed protected and accounted for. The best way to do this is by creating a home inventory checklist and register. This is a great record to keep filed with your homeowner?s insurance to add even more protection to your belongings. The inventory and register will make it easier to account for items that are damaged and to verify what was in the home at the time the damage occurred.
How do I complete a home inventory?
The best way to make a complete home inventory is by creating a list of your possessions, describing each item in detail. Include sales receipts or appraisal documentations is you have them. Organize clothing into categories for easier reference. Any item or collection of items that is worth a good bit of money needs to be classified and recorded.
Some home inventory organization tips:
Remember to include your expensive items and collections within your inventory.
- Take pictures of every room and make sure all the big-ticket items are shown as a record of where they are located within the home.
- Do a walk-through of the home with a video and show the layout and possessions and describe how the room is laid out.
- Save an inventory list in a digital format online and keep backup copies on separate computers. Consider keeping a copy in a safe or safety deposit box at the bank for safekeeping.
- Use several mediums to account for everything?written descriptions, videos, and photos are best.
To complete your coverage with homeowner?s insurance in St. Augustine, make sure you complete a home inventory list and add it to your policy records so you are covered if there are ever damages sustained to your home.